Every year the buildup of lint in dryer vents causes fires. When this lint is allowed to build up a can cause a tremendous amount of flammable material packed tightly into the vents and duct. The heat from the dryer, or a spark of static electricity, can easily create a fire that spreads rapidly. Because this fire is begun in a duct, it can go undetected for quite some time. Once this fire reaches the dryer, it can be completely out of control. The fire can move through the walls of your home and within a very short period can completely consume the house.
Dryer vent and air duct cleaning will clear out the duct behind your dryer to make sure that the lint is removed and the equipment is in good working order. Not only does this protect your home from the potential of a serious fire, but it also helps your dryer to work better. The buildup of lint can prevent your dryer from using heat and air flow properly, which reduces its ability to dryer laundry. This means that you may be tempted to run your laundry through the dryer several times, or using heat setting that is higher than what is appropriate for your clothing. This puts your clothing at risk of damage, can burn your dryer out, and waste a tremendous amount of energy. Regularly utilizing dryer vent cleaning will help your equipment function better and last longer while also protecting your home from the risk of a dryer lint fire.